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Happenings Around Here

While I'm busy working on the last book in the Kaylid Chronicles. Though I suspect it is only the first series in this world.  But I need to finish telling this story and then sit back and reassess where and what to write next. But that doesn't mean that is all we are...

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You know Shane and Andrew and Kayter and Greg, Pinx and Cordelia and ICERs and gang. But do you recall The most famous Hunter of all? Declan the Demon Hunter Had some very drunken prose, And if you ever saw him, You would even drop F-Bombs. All of the other Hunters...

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Vegas, Writing, and To Do List

The problem with writing conferences is it has a dual effect.  You come back pumped with the knowledge others have succeeded and you can do and with a to-do list that is a mile long.  Sometimes the pressure to "succeed" is enough to make you run the other direction....

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Something wicked this way…..

My favorite time of year is here, HALLOWEEN!  Besides the fact that that I love the parties and fun to be had for all, the legends, weird facts, and myths of the season are.... well delicious.  With that in mind here are a few of our BAP favorites. #1. Samhainophobia...

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Left behind…..

So as the "not going to be at DragonCon this year" author I get to bemoan on the blog.  But this is how I refuse to feel left out.  I look at it purely with logic on how miserable my friends will be while there and how awesome my weekend will be by not going. Friend's...

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I suck at social media.  There.  I've said it.  I never remember.  It never occurs to me to tweet what I ate.  Take a pic of my latest step goal (not that I ever achieve them). Heck, I barely remember to repost interesting things on FB. But really, I have a BOOK...

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