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Audio Galore

You might have missed it because me remembering to talk about what I'm doing is not my strong point.  But if you did.  I'm telling you now. MY LUCK IS IN AUDIO!!! Hazzah!  And the reason I'm reminding you is I just got the final files for Hired Luck. Yes I'm going...

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Prepping for Everything

Prepping for Everything

I just finished a mammoth (okay medium sized elephant) amount of prep work for dinners this week. I decided long ago that if I could get dinners and meals prepped ahead of time it did multiple things. A- Reduced my stress level for trying to get dinner prepped. B-...

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Year in Review – wait rearview mirror.

Year in Review – wait rearview mirror.

2020 – how do I explain 2020 in words? Frustrating. Disappointing. Heartbreaking. Failure. Scary. I felt all those and more.  My goals at the beginning of 2020 were (goes to check): Write 400,000 words. – boy did I fail. I didn't break 300k and had one month with zero...

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New Stories

New Stories

I'm sure you're dying for something new, different, not the same old, same old. Well I think my new world, my new series will do that for you. Set in a world one step away from ours, the differences will become more obvious as the series goes.  If this is a popular...

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Once upon a time in Quarantine

Once upon a time in Quarantine

Sounds like the start of a great story. Maybe aliens, magic, murder, or other mayhem. Unfortunately - or fortunately, nothing that exciting has happened. I have the beta comments back from book two in Twisted Luck. I'm trying to write on book 3. Trying being the...

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Commas are fun!

Commas are fun!

So how is everybody doing out there in the digi-verse? I have got to tell you, my day job is driving me totally bonkers. Unfortunately, even though I deal with networking engineers, software programmers, advanced technology industry vendors and an all-around...

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Writing Under Stress

Writing Under Stress

I read a great quote the other day - You aren't working from home, your at your home during a crisis trying to work. I'm not sure who to credit for it, but it is so very accurate. We're all stressed one way or another. Jobs, family, money, all of it is making this one...

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Beta Readers Attention!

Beta Readers Attention!

Hey - if you love our stuff, want to help us make our stories even better? Well you can sign up here and join the team. What will you be reading, you ask? Well - this is how you get access to stuff that isn't quite primetime ready. By signing up we will send you...

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