
So how is everybody doing out there in the digi-verse? I have got to tell you, my day job is driving me totally bonkers. Unfortunately, even though I deal with networking engineers, software programmers, advanced technology industry vendors and an all-around tech-savvy workforce… we can’t figure out how to telecommute worth a tinker’s damn. Everything that should take about 5 minutes seems to take 3 hours. And I swear nobody understands the concept of a 15-minute meeting. But I digress.  My bemoaning about my organization’s lack of understanding on how to properly utilize collaborative tools is of negligible importance. What’s really important is the fact that Blood War: Betray has returned to me from the editor! (Insert a mental shout of joy here please) After we compiled the beta reader comments and sent BW:B onwards, the editor did due diligence in marking up the draft that you will all soon be able to absorb in its final form. That is, after I adjudicate the 3186 comments that all apparently seem to point to the singular fact that I do not understand how to use commas. Now I know some of you folks out there would just say, “Hey now mister editor, commas are subjective.” But my publisher seems to believe that my editor is also more informed on the proper use of commas than I am.

So off I went to clicky click to the click click click and adjudicated approximately 3182 comments relating to my punctuation usage. Then two comments related to my leaving writers notes in the draft that confused the editor, and maybe a comment or two where the editor expressed concern over whether or not military personnel really curse that much. The answer that last one was an unequivocal ‘yes’. So take that Mr. Editor I’m not changing those two sentences and you can’t make me. So with pride in my heart, at such a noble stand against the tyrannical editor, I declare success. Blood War: Betray is now in formatting and will soon be made available to all of you. Mel and I of course can not wait to get your comments and feedback on it. Now it’s on to the next chapter as we’ve already begun writing Blood War: Alliance, bringing you even more cold beer and dead demons to enjoy! 

I’ll be posting some of my favorites snippets from Betray on the BAP Social media accounts so don’t forget to follow Bad Ash Publishing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You might even catch a few videos of myself and Mel there as well.