
Sounds like the start of a great story. Maybe aliens, magic, murder, or other mayhem.

Unfortunately – or fortunately, nothing that exciting has happened. I have the beta comments back from book two in Twisted Luck. I’m trying to write on book 3.

Trying being the operative word. I’m getting three extra hours a day I should be jamming right? Yeah no. Between extra work around the house, stress (why would I be stressed? ~rolls eyes~), the garden, trying to knock out a few big ticket items off my to do list, perfecting my sourdough, and just fretting – I’m not doing what I should.

I am writing – but where I’d like to be writing 3-4k a day, yeah no. But I’m trying.

So how goes your story? Hopefully (or not) more interesting than mine. If nothing else, I have sourdough starter.