Bad Ash Publishing
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Balanced Luck
Unbalanced Luck
Blood War: Betray
Faded Luck
Drafted Luck
Inherited Luck
Educated Luck
Hired Luck
My Luck
Blood War: Rage
Recent Posts
Drafted Luck
I've been pretty quiet about what is going, mainly because I'm so BUSY! Really. I'm trying to write a reader magnet, get Faded Luck up and going well, trying to decide if I want to whip together a short story, and deal with editing Drafted Luck. Down time is what...
Another DragonCon21 post and Public Service Announcement
As Mel stated in her last post, Bad Ash Publishing has returned from DragonCon 2021. We clocked some serious mileage this year moving between...
Dragoncon Survived!
Dragoncon After Action Report. Wow - just wow. I've been going to Dragoncon since 2003 I think. And while I've always had fun, this year I achieved all my goals and then some. Full disclosure, the past 15 years or so (figure until about 2015) I was going to have fun,...
My Writing Life
There is a large chunk of us that remember a TV series called "My So-Called Life" and it was where we first met the actress Claire Danes. I will freely admit I don't need to worry about .... Okay I was going to say if my parents like my boyfriend or peer pressure...
I don't normally do after action reports for conventions. Conventions or a chance for me to spread the gospel of my awesome stories, talk to other authors, and have some fun. Usually I'm on a panel or three and I'm staying up way too late and pretending I'm an...
Yes I know, a weird topic, but let's talk about hair. My co-author Doug Burbey just shaves his head bald and no one even blinks. But if you are my age you vividly remember the drama when Sinead O'Connor shaved her head. I would love, LOVE, to have hair down to my...
For an author reviews are this double edged sword. I love to see someone enjoys my books, it can make me squee to have someone babble how good they are. And then you get the negative review and it makes you feel like someone just shoved a knife in your back. I do not...
Podcast Interview (and vid!)
I hate being on camera. But I realize what I see--namely every scar, bit of acne, bad hair, and wrinkle--is not what other people focus on. So I'm working on getting better about doing videos. So, when I did the podcast with Blasters and Blades there is also a...
New Reads
The big news of the day - Inherited Luck is up for pre-order - Squee!!! And now I have even more stuff to do. I swear, the fact that I'm not curled up in a ball sucking my thumb some days is a miracle, and we won't talk about the horrible thing I did to myself that...
Time for Rent
Time is a weird thing. Either there is too much of it when you are watching the clock and waiting for something: work to be over, Christmas to come, vacation to start. Then there is the reverse, it vanishes when you are excited and having fun: on vacation, with...
Sunshine Means Spring?
If I go out on my deck the sun is super warm and feels wonderful. The problem is I can't spend all my time on the deck pretending to be a cat. No matter how much I'd like that. Instead I'm inside writing and trying to resist the lure of sunshine. Instead I'm...
Changes in Plans again….
So I thought I knew what I was doing with my summer, but plans change and one of the cons I look forward to the most has fallen through. LibertyCon is going virtual which means no hugs, no getting to see friends, no networking. And I am grieving again. I know I'm an...