Dragoncon Survived!

Dragoncon Survived!

Dragoncon After Action Report. Wow – just wow. I’ve been going to Dragoncon since 2003 I think. And while I’ve always had fun, this year I achieved all my goals and then some. Full disclosure, the past 15 years or so (figure until about 2015) I was...
My Writing Life

My Writing Life

There is a large chunk of us that remember a TV series called “My So-Called Life” and it was where we first met the actress Claire Danes. I will freely admit I don’t need to worry about …. Okay I was going to say if my parents like my boyfriend...


I don’t normally do after action reports for conventions. Conventions or a chance for me to spread the gospel of my awesome stories, talk to other authors, and have some fun. Usually I’m on a panel or three and I’m staying up way too late and...


Yes I know, a weird topic, but let’s talk about hair. My co-author Doug Burbey just shaves his head bald and no one even blinks. But if you are my age you vividly remember the drama when Sinead O’Connor shaved her head. I would love, LOVE, to have hair...
New Reads

New Reads

The big news of the day – Inherited Luck is up for pre-order – Squee!!! And now I have even more stuff to do. I swear, the fact that I’m not curled up in a ball sucking my thumb some days is a miracle, and we won’t talk about the horrible thing...