by Doug Burbey | Jun 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Mel and Doug will be attending authors at LC 32 28-30 June 28 – 30 2019, Chattanooga TN Downtown Marriott and Convention Center. Make sure to stop by our author panels and please say hello in the halls, or various awesome events, for some badge ribbons and bookmarks....
by Doug Burbey | Jun 2, 2019 | Blood War, Kaylid Chronicles, Libertycon, Sci-fi, Urban Fantasy
LibertyCon 32 will take place from June 28 – 30, 2019 in the Chattanooga Downtown Marriott and Convention Center. BAP author’s Mell Todd and Doug Burbey will both be in attendance. Our current panel schedules are below. Make sure to check for updates at...
by Doug Burbey | May 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
The order vs. chaos process between coauthors is a matter of preference I suppose. The interesting thing about writing with a co-author is the styles of character plotting between two minds collaborating on the same work. Of course there is always a need to require...
by Doug Burbey | Feb 25, 2019 | DragonCon, Libertycon, Sci-fi, Urban Fantasy
Doug and Mel will be still be panelists at LibertyCon 32. The latest update is that the dates have moved and the event will now be held at the Marriott and the Chattanooga Convention Center on June 28 – 30, 2019, Chattanooga, TN, This was the same venue as last year...
by Doug Burbey | Dec 16, 2018 | Blood War, holiday, Urban Fantasy
You know Shane and Andrew and Kayter and Greg, Pinx and Cordelia and ICERs and gang. But do you recall The most famous Hunter of all? Declan the Demon Hunter Had some very drunken prose, And if you ever saw him, You would even drop F-Bombs. All of the other Hunters...