
The order vs. chaos process between coauthors is a matter of preference I suppose.

The interesting thing about writing with a co-author is the styles of character plotting between two minds collaborating on the same work. Of course there is always a need to require order in creating a smooth and seamless story. But I did mention there’s two minds involved? The collaboration of techniques lends itself to an amazing product but the process itself requires a lot of care and nurturing. One particular author of The Blood Wars series thrives on order and structure while the other tends to run through such structure like a bulldozer driven by a drunken sleep deprived monkey. I won’t say who’s who is that one the series though. But Author 1 may make a statement like “I want this character in this scene”. Then the ‘collaboration’ goes like this:

Author 2 ” Why would that character would be in the scene?”

Author 1 “Quite frankly, I just need to kill him there.”

Author 2 “But why would that character be in that partuiculat location the scene takes place in?”

Author 1 “So they can die, I need them to die at that point.”

Author 2 “But why would he be there?”

Author 1 “Is that really relevant?”

Author 2 “It is. There has to be a reasonable reason for the character to be at that location in the scene.”

Author 1 “But I do want the character in this scene cuz I know how I want to snuff him out.”

Author 2 “But why is the character at that exact location?”

Author 1 “To die, I don’t see why you’re not getting this.”

Author 2 “I don’t see why you’re not getting why I’m not getting it.”

Author 1 “Fine, I’ll go do do the next scene . Clearly, I need to come back to this scene later when you’re being more reasonable…”

In the end, the reason for him being in the scene will be established to the reader. His death will be glorious!