Educated Luck

Educated Luck

I’m a mage. Okay fine a merlin.  Fine, a double merlin. I can do this. Get my degree, serve my draft, and then I get my life back. Now if people will stop trying to kill me, government agents quit trying to run my life, and my familiar not decide to take matters...
Hired Luck

Hired Luck

I’ve finally made it, without magic. I’ve got the job I always wanted, but my luck is holding true. I found another dead body, and the cops think I was involved. My dream job coworkers can barely stand me. Something is going on with Jo and I don’t...
My Luck

My Luck

I’m not a mage, but I won’t let that stop me. Cori Catastrophe.  They call me that sometimes, and I hate to admit it, but it isn’t wrong. Things go weird around me. Electronics die, things break, and if something odd happens, I seem to find it. Finding...