
I just finished a mammoth (okay medium sized elephant) amount of prep work for dinners this week. I decided long ago that if I could get dinners and meals prepped ahead of time it did multiple things.
A- Reduced my stress level for trying to get dinner prepped.
B- Removed the “what’s for dinner” question as everything had already been laid out.
C- Ensured everyone helped rather than me dealing with it all on the weeknight.
D – Gives me more time to write.

Now I hope that last is the most important to you, but I swear the others help me write also as I’m less stressed. Also means I eat really well most days.
All of that leads me to the fact that I am on the last stretch of Inheirited Luck. And wow has this story been a rollercoaster. I’ve got maybe 5k to go and I’m not a hundred percent sure how it ends. But I am already plotting on Drafted Luck which will be book 5. I can tell you people want Cori dead, but the catch is – they have to get her to break the law so they can legally kill her. Which means pushing every button she has.
I can’t wait.
If you haven’t gotten the newsletter and read the story No Luck which is what happens to Charles at the end of Educated Luck – you can read it here.

Have a great week!
