
starry deep outer space nebual and galaxy

Great week for the work of Urban Fantasy her at BAP!

Mel is pushing out more and more of the Kaylid Chronicles. You need to get over to Amazon and get caught up on the current series and be prepared for the next full release in beta reading and editing right now.

Mel, and I (OK more so me), are giddy with the excitement with the announced 21 September release of the brand new series Blood War up for Kindle preorder now on Amazon!

September 21 gets you Blood War: Rage
Then the two prequel novellas – Blood War: Fight and then Blood War: Power.

Each will follow Rage about a month apart in sequence to take you through the holidays as we finish up the follow-up to Rage which is the working title Blood War: Betrayals.

This week I’m on the road in lovely Colorado Springs, Colorado working some editing and revisions on Blood War future works while trying to ignore the fact there are lots of interesting looking brew pubs around here. LOTS…. hmmm…. Those brews do look tasty. OK, shhh nobody tell my publisher, but I may just have to check one out tonight. I’ll send you a review on my next post if you all PROMISE not to tell my publisher I was out playing writer hooky.