Title: Child of Saturn
Author: Teresa Edgerton
Publisher: Ace
Year Published: 1989
I’ve read a lot of books over the years and this one I would have gushed over talking about how much I enjoyed it. For years (and truth to be told even now) I used a variation of one of the main characters names as an online handle. So I really looked forward to reading it.
Style has changed over the years. This is a slow winding book, mixing Welsh mythology, Christianity that was creeping over the isles at this time, pagans, magic, witchcraft and a version of the Merlin and Arthur legend. It has politics, assignations, subtle magic, a villain, and a secondary character that now (looking back as a MUCH older woman) I feel so very sorry for.
I had to force myself to read it. There is no spark and bang on each page. The troubles are small and subtle. The picture of the lives of the people involved (and there are LOTS of characters) takes place slowly and step by step. And yet – the book finishes, and all I can think is can I go get book 2 in this trilogy and find out how the small little dramas unravel.
If you like the old style fantasy where the world grows page by page and every little bit adds a hind of color and taste to the world – this trilogy is like stepping into a world one step different from our past.