
So this week, in the ever so entertaining world of this author, we’ll be discussing……

Image result for trouble comes in threes

I’ll be referencing Madeleine D’Este, a speculative fiction writer’s article from: http://folklorethursday.com/folklife/bad-luck-comes-threes/
Please give the article a read. Cuz I did.

Why, oh why, did I pick this topic today?

First off the setting from Ms. D’Este.

“Three is a common pattern in our lives. A man and a woman together create a third: a child. There’s the Holy Trinity, the Trimurti in Hinduism, the three jewels of Buddhism, and the Triple Goddess: maid, mother and crone. Stories all have beginnings, middles and ends. Plays and films have three acts. Jokes often use a pattern of three e.g. an Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman walked into a bar. Fairy tales are built around threes: three bears, three suitors, three sisters, three days, three wishes, three challenges. We count to three and start a race with ready, set, go. The pattern of three is everywhere.”

So patterns of three, good or bad, are associated with our thinking. So a pattern of three is a normal pattern our minds look for in events and give us the “comes in threes” mentality.

So what did I end up with yesterday preventing the timely posting to this blog, risking the wrath of my publisher, then?

First. Cellphone phone dies.
Second. Dishwasher dies.
Third. Freezer dies-ish (still fully TBD’d).

Now this run of bad luck can just be a natural occurrence of events. Or it could be more. Could it be that the forces at work in the cosmos crave the three. Or more specifically it craves Pi (3.14159265358979323…). If so, then my three events require a .141ish associated event to get to Pi. So is my thought path mistaken. No. My boss missed a flight that very same day which forced me to cover his meetings, and mine simultaneously, for nearly three hours.

So look at this:
24 hours in that day / .141 (remainder of the 3.14 bad lunch event as each principle event is consider a factor of 1) = 171.42…

Three hours is 180 minutes. I was double booked for just shy of three hours or around 171ish minutes! I know right?! Mind blown right there. That popping sound was my link to sanity. The “comes in threes” is actually good, or bad, comes in Pi. It’s not about how we think at all. It’s how the Cosmos is actually out to get us! That’s now irrefutably apparent with such solid evidence. Now you all know.

Please send my sciency/maths award to me at your earliest convenience. Cash preferred over checks for any prize moneys.

Thank you,