I am alive!

I am alive!

I know, I know, I am the worst at doing this, but I have a new system that might work where I do my blogs. So… I’m writing, like a LOT. Hopefully there will be new books, maybe if you are very luck and I am VERY focused by Christmas. The first three are a...
Series Finale and Grief

Series Finale and Grief

I’ve talked a lot about grief and that you don’t compare it or that grief doesn’t always come from death, sometimes it is from things ending or being lost: a marriage, bankruptcy, being fired. You grieve over those things also. But I wasn’t...
Busy Spring

Busy Spring

A lot has been going on at BAP.  There is the next book in the Twisted Luck series by Mel Todd coming out May 26th and then a stand alone in the Dual Casters world called PuppetMaster also by Mel Todd. We are working on getting our shop up and running effectively so...
The only constant is change.

The only constant is change.

If you follow my newsletters (and really you should be, I share stories) you know that I became a full time author at the beginning of this year. Already I can see the benefits and stresses over it. Technically I’m sick today, and I gave myself a sick day, yet...

I have the best friends

I’m one of those people who have a few friends but I tell you, they rock.  One of my best friends had to move, so she isn’t in town anymore and we only see each other about 1-2 times a year which isn’t enough. But she sent my my Christmas present...