

I sometimes think stories run my life.  I listen to them while I drive.  Write them when I have a minute. Dream about them when I sleep. Talk about them when anyone will listen. Needless to say, I am all about story and stories.  I’m always scared my stories...


  I’m not a convention junkie, but I do enjoy them.  But what is funny is the variety of conventions I go to.  I get something different out of each of them and look forward for different reasons. At the end of June, I have one called LibertyCon. ...


  Have you ever really thought about time?  Most cultures on our planet count it by the second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, and century. Some people do it by lifetimes or generations.  But it still moves forward.  You can’t go backward,...

Cold Harsh Reality

Sometimes life just slaps you in the face and you have to step back and think.  That happened to me this weekend. So as you probably know, my book launched on Friday, June 8th.  And really if you don’t know that, why are you here? I mean you’re welcome...

Life and Schedules

Ever feel like you aren’t taking the time to enjoy life?  I’m trying to get better about that.  But dang it, I have aliens approaching from around the corner of Mars.  I have a book launch tomorrow (looks at the calendar and starts to panic), family moving...