
I know, I know, I am the worst at doing this, but I have a new system that might work where I do my blogs. So… I’m writing, like a LOT. Hopefully there will be new books, maybe if you are very luck and I am VERY focused by Christmas. The first three are a trilogy called Noble’s Luck and they make all the other twists and turns of my books seem easy. I’ve had to figure out the endings of these books about 4 times for EACH BOOK and I’m still not sure how one of them is going to end. Needless to say from where I started with my idea and rough plot, we are MILES, maybe light years from there.  But I hope you love them.

Look covers. I love them so much.

Other than that, I’m focusing on writing all I can and I thank you so much for your patience. I swear I wish I could write as fast as I can read.