
All right, with all the Kaylid Chronicles launch fun going on I just thought I’d remind you all the  Blood  War series is still on track  for launching at the end of this July.  The prequel novellas are set to coincide with the new series intro and with quick releases of the sequel novels through the rest of the year.

“So what’s the insight?” You asked.

“Well, I never intended to write a book about war.” Doug said slowly.

“Ummm… Dude ‘War’ is in the title”

“Well yes it is.  But the stories of war are what are told by the veterans and civilians that lived through the events.”

“Sooo, is it a ‘war’ book or not?”

Doug answered as he sipped on a bourbon and coke, “It’s a book about a war, how it affected lives and how it shaped those lives into the future I suppose.  I’ve cleaned up the aftermath of the Bosnian war and fought through the subsequent wars up untill just a few years ago when I retired from the Army and started my second career.  So the Blood War series is about those who came back.  Yes, there is war, rude demons, cold beer, learning to love new friends and some ass kickery.  But, it’s also about the attempt to journey back to normality for those who came home and can never forget those who didn’t.”

So like I said, there’s your free deep insight.  Just don’t tell anyone.
